Michael Dittrich: Nebel Topping
Laurent SiO2: The longest cycle bridge in Europe
MarjieM777: Help please, looks like an Eastern Black Swallowtail with only black and cream, no other colors
MarjieM777: Great spangled fritillary
MarjieM777: Eastern Bluebird (most likely a juvie)
guillermoperegrino: Ermita de la Estrella ante la luna llena de agosto de 2024
guillermoperegrino: Clásicos del verano.
guillermoperegrino: Clásicos del verano.
sergeyfomchenkov: Серая мухоловка
MarjieM777: fern-leaf dropwort, one of my garden favorites
MarjieM777: Male Anna's hummingbird
MarjieM777: House wrens have taken over the recently vacated bluebird house
MarjieM777: Hawk showing off his talons
MarjieM777: Mr. BB on the patio
Michael Dittrich: When a GoPro takes the shot
Lesley~B: time has come today
MarjieM777: Rose-breasted grosbeak
MarjieM777: Bathtime for Papa Cardinal
Lesley~B: strawberry
dcnelson1898: If you're a Roadrunner Raise Your Hand
kabacaly11: Yellow wegtail
kabacaly11: Black-throated Loon
MarjieM777: Male Costas "in the wild"
guillermoperegrino: Las flores de la abuela.
jt893x: American Robins
Anthony Mark Images: I See You Powdered Your Nose
Carbonated Silicon: Everything's Gone Green
MarjieM777: I really got lucky this day!
MarjieM777: The start of an epic battle
MarjieM777: In Memory: my dear husband Vaughn has passed