nickludlow: P9062064
nickludlow: P9062066
FeedTheTang: Tofu faa with ginger sugar and golden syrup. Smoother than it looks ;)
The Ginger Gourmand: Cod cakes in tomato sauce from @ottolenghi's Jerusalem for lunch (same as @ellypear made yesterday!)
FeedTheTang: Stir fried crab and sticky rice
Chris Pople: An Evening in Puglia
Food Stories: IMG_2475
thirstforwine: ewbc 2009
foodbymark: Chilango Burrito Eating Contest in support of the NSPCC
browners82: Golf cart lizzy
QypeUK: NomNomNom09
QypeUK: NomNomNom09
Food Stories: Pervy Panda
stanleymac: DSCF0481
eatlikeagirl: Blogger's Dinner at Tayyab's
eatlikeagirl: The Underground Restaurant
Food Stories: Lizzie Two Heads