jeanraymondp: IMG_0312
jeanraymondp: IMG_0309
bradders29: Black Isle Aurora
jeanraymondp: IMG_0384
jeanraymondp: IMG_0288
Nationaal Archief: IJs-plateau aan het strand / Ice-table: ebb-tide at a Dutch beach
leica_nomad: Aigle, Switzerland.
leica_nomad: A happy Sunday for hungry seagulls.
micmol : mountain valley
Edward Mistarka: cardinal combat 5120
Divs Sejpal: Companion
Gabrios_LBF: sicilianità a colori
janusz l: Mammy are we there yet ?!?!?! Marching ducks
janusz l: Sunrise over Fraser River
janusz l: Sleeping Sails
janusz l: Into nothingness
janusz l: Vancouver 2010 Inukshuk
Kay Pickens: Spot of Red on a Gray Day
Kay Pickens: All Fluffed up and No Place to Go
Kay Pickens: Does this snow make my hair look fluffy?
Kay Pickens: Watching the World Go By
ozoni11: In A Yard By A White Picket Fence
akshath: The Prayag Ghat | Varanasi
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Outra série com o macho do Ariramba, Ariramba-da-cauda-ruiva, Bico-de-agulha, Bico-de-agulha-de-rabo-vermelho, Beija-flor-grande, Beija-flor-d'água (Galbula ruficauda) - Another series with the male of the Rufous-tailed Jacamar - 24-05-2009 - IMG_0969
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Outra série com o macho do Ariramba, Ariramba-da-cauda-ruiva, Bico-de-agulha, Bico-de-agulha-de-rabo-vermelho, Beija-flor-grande, Beija-flor-d'água (Galbula ruficauda) - Another series with the male of the Rufous-tailed Jacamar - 24-05-2009 - IMG_1194
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Beija-flor-do-papo-verde ou Beija-flor-de-garganta-verde (Amazilia fimbriata) e a Tulipa africana (Spathodea campanulata) - Series with the Glittering-throsted Emerald hummingbird and the African Tulip tree - 02-05-2009 - IMG_7087
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Beija-flor-do-papo-verde ou Beija-flor-de-garganta-verde (Amazilia fimbriata) e a Tulipa africana (Spathodea campanulata) - Series with the Glittering-throsted Emerald hummingbird and the African Tulip tree - 02-05-2009 - IMG_7090
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Beija-flor-do-papo-verde ou Beija-flor-de-garganta-verde (Amazilia fimbriata) e a Tulipa africana (Spathodea campanulata) - Series with the Glittering-throsted Emerald hummingbird and the African Tulip tree - 02-05-2009 - IMG_7084
kevin mcneal: A Dalles Stormy Evening