micmol : A red rose in Times Square
micmol : sunset on the beach
micmol : 1 tornante
micmol : number 2
micmol : spinning wool
micmol : Poplars trees and blackthorn in full bloom.
micmol : Trekking from Skálabotnur
micmol : Confederation of Danish Industry building
micmol : water chestnuts
micmol : road works in the Village
micmol : flooded poplar trees plantation
micmol : painted walls
micmol : setting sun
micmol : a thousand lives
micmol : Calchaquies river and valley
micmol : Brooklyn behind the grid
micmol : No Title 03
micmol : lost in his thoughts
micmol : tres hermanos
micmol : it's a bright yellow
micmol : Berlin 008
micmol : shut down
micmol : when you open the window and this is the view
micmol : road works on Kane St.
micmol : reflection in a foggy day
micmol : leaning trees
micmol : Path in the forest
micmol : Cormorants resting in a foggy day
micmol : toward the end of the day
micmol : alone on the slopes