IsaacCSanchez: Harris's Hawk
mooncall2012: Spadina Wetlands Autumn
GHC2000: Long-tailed Sylph
DicDocPhoto: Sand lizard
Feathers and Scales: Kentucky Warbler
Feathers and Scales: Yellow-headed Blackbird
ricklebaudour: Clark's & Western Grebes
Feathers and Scales: Blue-winged Warbler
AchimOWL: Der Wiedehopf verfüttert hier einen Eidechsenschwanz an den Jungvogel
Sue Milks (gone birding): Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo subbuteo) - 20160506-05
Martyn William's Birds: Boys Are Back In Town
casparc: Great Gray Owl
antonio palmeras palmeras: Herrerillo capuchino
bedeauannabelle: Couleur Locale
Feathers and Scales: Black-throated Gray Warbler
Feathers and Scales: Broad-billed Hummingbird
HJP68: CHEVALIER ARLEQUIN / Dunkelwasserläufer / Spotted Redshank
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-23-9488-Lycaena phlaeas + Apis mellifera
bedeauannabelle: Strike A Pose
Dirk Segl: Zwergdommel (Ixobrychus minutus)
Snixy_85: Least Bittern
Mike Mckenzie8: Yellow Wagtail
futzr.fotoz: DSC_1284 Mountain Bluebirds copy
ChasingNature: Male Anna`s Hummingbird
Gilbert Rolland: Cardinal rouge (f) Northern Cardinal
Clifford Pringle: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
Mike_FL: Anhinga with prey
xiaoping98: Hunting Success!