Feathers and Scales:
Timber Rattlesnake
Feathers and Scales:
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Feathers and Scales:
Swainson's Thrush
Feathers and Scales:
Red-tailed Hawk
Feathers and Scales:
Red-tailed Hawk
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Bobwhite
Feathers and Scales:
Prairie Dog
Feathers and Scales:
Lucy's Warbler
Feathers and Scales:
Bell's Vireo
Feathers and Scales:
Red-shouldered Hawk
Feathers and Scales:
Anna's Hummingbird
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Map Turtle
Feathers and Scales:
Northern Map Turtle
Feathers and Scales:
Barred Owl
Feathers and Scales:
Summer Tanager
Feathers and Scales:
Kentucky Warbler
Feathers and Scales:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Feathers and Scales:
Tree Swallow
Feathers and Scales:
Savannah Sparrow
Feathers and Scales:
Feathers and Scales:
Feathers and Scales:
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Feathers and Scales:
Sandwich Tern
Feathers and Scales:
White Ibis
Feathers and Scales:
Lark Sparrow
Feathers and Scales:
Wilson's Phalarope
Feathers and Scales:
Wilson's Phalarope
Feathers and Scales:
Lesser Yellowlegs
Feathers and Scales:
Black-necked Stilt
Feathers and Scales:
American Pipit