geophotocacher: Vicks Peak
mikerhicks: Grassy Cove Segment of the Cumberland Trail
Kaptain Karst: Kristen meets Mr. Sag
Kaptain Karst: Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus Flower
Karen McQuilkin: Roadrunner
spelio: Golden Barrel Cactus
Feathers and Scales: Araneus marmoreus
johnbell18 (3M views): Badlands National Park
cormack13: Roark Bluff
Feathers and Scales: Red-tailed Hawk
Feathers and Scales: Red-tailed Hawk
zoniedude1: Desert Reservoir
cowyeow: Speckled Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula holbrooki)
Kaptain Karst: Got Milk?
Kaptain Karst: Monsters Live Here
Kaptain Karst: Delicate
Martin@Smith: Entrance to the clifton railway
dan.weisz: Fledgling Owl on a Saguaro
dan.weisz: Spotlighted Owlet Just Before Sunset
dan.weisz: Another Kestrel with a Cricket
dan.weisz: A Great Horned Owl Couple
dan.weisz: Bobcat Mom and Kitten
David Quanrud: Gambel's Quail (m)
dan.weisz: Desert Bighorn Ram
Alan Cressler: Rio Grande-Rio Bravo del Norte, Asa Jones Area, View Downstream, Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River-Monumento Natural Río Bravo del Norte, Mile 738-739, Brewster County, Texas and Coahuila, Mexico 1
Feathers and Scales: Hooded Warbler
Kaptain Karst: Fall Creek Cliffs