lime1957: Ornate Hawk-Eagle
John N Hoang: Peekaboo!
giroux.gaetan53: Râle de Virginie / Rallus limicola / Virginia Rail
detlef-schoeler-fotografie: _Graureiher__MG_1585_Nik_DxO
Ronny The Rooster: Golden Eagle Close Profile!-
Ronny The Rooster: Young Proud Mink with lg Crayfish!
Ronny The Rooster: Indigo Bunting Singing!
V.Plut: Eastern Bluebird, Siala sialis MERLO ACQUAIOLO _Cinclus cinclus sparviere_ ♂ _ adulto_ abbeverata _ Accipiter nisus sparviere _ ♂ _ Accipiter nisus
ka.ak.2: Buizerd
ka.ak.2: 500mm f4.5 + TC16A
ka.ak.2: Roodborsttapuit
ka.ak.2: Aalscholver
Guillaume , tlse: Faucon crécerelle
zephyrdakota: Merlin the Barn Owl
holgerreinert: Junghörnchen
holgerreinert: Junghörnchen (in-explore-2024-09-21)
xrxss15: Common Redshank
kizbura: Fringuello (Fringilla coelebs )
Jim Beers: Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Jim Beers: Female American Redstart Shaking Off after a Shower
Jim Beers: Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Jim Beers: Female American Redstart After Bath
Simone Mazzoccoli: Codibugnolo - Long-tailed Tit
Simone Mazzoccoli: Gruccione - Bee Eater
Gamergull: Perfect Chickadee
Svenni and his Icelandic birds.: Black-winged Pratincole 2 (stepputrítill)