Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Ukrainian Playmate
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica Q Flash Photography
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): 4x5 Camera Portrait (As seen on YouTube tonight!)
lisby1: Army of the Potomac Crossing Germanna Ford in 1864, Colorized and Retouched
gerlinde.nitschke: Library in Görlitz
DaveSPN: A Different Perspective
petra.foto busy busy busy: Hinter der Gartenhecke 1
Plus Fuji: IIIf211113012
Maximilian Busl: Blue Hour an a Windy Day (I)
Maximilian Busl: Dolomite Moments (II)
Maximilian Busl: Thursday Walk (III)
Maximilian Busl: B/W Along the Sea (II)
Maximilian Busl: Into the Center
Alain Kiffer: Hilsenfirst : Gebirgsjäger am Beobachtungsposten.
Proxar: Bella Vista
Maximilian Busl: Roses at the Botanical Garden (III)
Proxar: S.
Giorgio Bordin: amarilli
jev: Junction 160, Arizona
jev: Monument Valley, AZ
paul.barden: Mister Lincoln, Hybrid Tea, 1965
sirolajos: Calla Lily (2020) 01.
lhuiso: Lavanda en Brihuega
Conspiracy.of.Cartographers: Capitol Vista School, Wyoming