Maude's Vault: "Run Spot, RUN!" Bone Box_May 23 2012
Simply_Adorning: Agua Nueva with Amber Necklace
agates4me: Superior Eye Agate
agates4me: Ocho Agate
agates4me: Panamanian Agate
HannyB: Tricolour
agatehill: Laguna agate
dardilrocks: closer on FLM
dardilrocks: almost complete
thundereggEP: Eddy Bed, 02 Oregon 2011
pati b: Silver Cat Pendant
sdttds: IMG_4778_Stone Canyon jasper freeform
LostSierra: Confetti Agate
LostSierra: Owyhee Flower Jasper
LostSierra: Lava Fountain Plume Agate
LostSierra: Lava Fountain Plume Agate
LostSierra: Lava Fountain Plume Agate
Bill The Eggman: 100_7681
Bill The Eggman: 100_7702
Captain Tenneal: More Morrisonite
Captain Tenneal: Fire jasper
avegaon: AGUA NUEVA 001 - (11,5x10x4cm) MEXICO, Chihuahua, Mun. de Ahumada
romfey: nature don,t care for oure...blah, blah, blah
romfey: I saved for you
dive4blood: neon lavender holly
Captain Tenneal: Kazakh thunderegg from Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
Captain Tenneal: Kazakh thunderegg from Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
Captain Tenneal: Missile silo
Captain Tenneal: Morrisonite
Bill The Eggman: 100_7565