romfey: only one...
romfey: IMAG1080
romfey: IMAG1082
romfey: P2230130
romfey: P2230117
romfey: P2230109
romfey: P2230091
romfey: P2230086
romfey: 1 year ago on this day ... picnic on the beach
romfey: very large and preserved vertebrae
romfey: Agates from Bulgaria
romfey: another
romfey: afate fron Bulgaria
romfey: many things happened in this stone
romfey: T-egg from Bulgaria
romfey: T-egg from Bulgaria
romfey: Мммм,strawberries ,strawberries ....from our garden
romfey: palm again
romfey: another
romfey: red, very red
romfey: another ... very red
romfey: small but very interesting
romfey: big surprise ... the river
romfey: Organic jewelry set..
romfey: Black and white (agate from Bulgaria) unpolished
romfey: Hot from saw...
romfey: Честита Баба Марта!
romfey: My stones never gett cold..
romfey: New material-great for lapidary
romfey: OO efects...