zuckerme: sprint
Devill Photography: Barred Owl
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_4882
Jasper's Human: Little Mr. Grumpy
Don's PhotoStream: Happiness is a Place Between…
Dave_Lawrence: Ash-throated Flycatcher---Myiarchus cinerascens
Eric Gofreed: Elegant Departure
maguire33@verizon.net: Maverick Weaving
maguire33@verizon.net: Early Morning Landing 8468
Devill Photography: Barred Owl
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_9732
Jasper's Human: Is that you, Lewis?
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_9364
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_6151
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_5612
monte stinnett: Western Screech Owl
avilacats: Hungry chicks (EXPLORE)
Devill Photography: Green Heron
avilacats: Peeking out of Mom’s feathers
Bill Halladay: Bald Eagle
charlescpan: Great horned owl mom and chicks at sunrise
maguire33@verizon.net: Green Heron 6429
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_8838
monte stinnett: Look into my eyes!
monte stinnett: The Peregrine, Willet, & Gull
Don's PhotoStream: Attitude is a Little Thing...
Eric Gofreed: Confrontation
The Owl Man: Best Eye Contact ( Northern Harrier)
TheUrbanVoyager: Happy new year!
Audrey Bellot: Whispers of Eternal Stillness