Ale Di Gangi: Balla che ti passa
bob eddings: 2014 Flickr Image - 308
Kurt Norlin: Back Door - Water St.
dr pajchiwo: abscapes/ come in, part I
john4jack: BleachedBones-2
john4jack: Whoa!.jpg
bgottsab: Sky See-through
bgottsab: Glass Block Jewels
Kirstin Mckee: the water was so still...
Anikatoro: Scenes from Chile :: Prego We eat before eating then prepare to eat again...and the meals go on for hours. It's pretty much my idea of Heaven.
Anikatoro: Scenes from Chile :: Valparaiso And then we ended up a place where the Past meets the Present, where the Future begs for answers, where we saw some of the most amazingly inspiring and unique scenes of our lives.
Jack Mallon: Colorful ferris
paisleyrainboots: A little vanity is ok. New plate installed. #fromwhereistand
Kurt Norlin: On Shore Flow
Kurt Norlin: IMG_0283
Kurt Norlin: Dylan's Rain
Kurt Norlin: Morning Light - TWG
Iquemon: The Siamese Cats - Zelda
MikeCBowers: Waiting #5
zinnia2012: Abstract quality: texture and pattern and essence
Kurt Norlin: RR Bridge - Albany
Kurt Norlin: Schnabel's Garden
Dizzy Dress: Paddle-boarding