Kat Eye View: Party in the Sky
Kat Eye View: Let me melt into your color
Kat Eye View: Autumn Light
Kat Eye View: The Bright Side
Kat Eye View: Adjacent
Kat Eye View: Last of the Season
Kat Eye View: Time of Transition
Kat Eye View: Meet Stevie, my elusive kitty. We are having a nice snuggle on a quiet Saturday morning. A rare treat.
Kat Eye View: After years of photographing other people's front doors or flowers on porches, I finally got the urge to photograph my own. Come on in!
Kat Eye View: Storing up the August morning sun.
Kat Eye View: When all else fails... Take a hike.
Kat Eye View: I've been out enjoying the last gift of summer: August
Kat Eye View: Victoria Scene #5. An unusual take on the Empress Hotel.
Kat Eye View: Victoria Scene #4. The requisite shot of the Parliament building.
Kat Eye View: Victoria Scene #3. I love visiting Chinatown, in any city!
Kat Eye View: Victoria Scene #2. I always think these postings tell a lot about a city, don't you?
Kat Eye View: Victoria Scene #1, from our day trip to Victoria, BC last week
Kat Eye View: Last view from our #klahhaneridge hike in #olympicnationalpark last week. That snow covered peak in the distance is Mt Olympus.
Kat Eye View: Another view from #klahhaneridge in #olympicnationalpark
Kat Eye View: Amazing views last week on the #klahhaneridge hike, in #olympicnationalpark
Kat Eye View: The view from Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park last week. I'm just back from a great trip on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington.
Kat Eye View: A gorgeous morning last week models the new #stackablesapp formula I'm giving away, called "Bald Hill". To download, follow the link in my profile to the blog.
Kat Eye View: Invitation
Kat Eye View: Ghost Forest
Kat Eye View: Art and life are both a study in contrasts. You can't appreciate light without experiencing shadow.
Kat Eye View: Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. ~William Arthur Ward
Kat Eye View: The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness. ~John Muir
Kat Eye View: Awakening
Kat Eye View: An Invitation to Wander. Happy 4th of July, my American friends!
Kat Eye View: Always waiting