Anikatoro: Wind on the Water
Anikatoro: The Disappearance of Anon
Anikatoro: Last Days of Winter
Anikatoro: Anon
Anikatoro: Starting the 5 day b&w challenge with the #lbm10 lens. Thanks for the invitation @mjmercado47!
Anikatoro: Handmade• Handed down• Held in• Hung up•
Anikatoro: When the Trees came for dinner...
Anikatoro: Since it's #NationalCatDay and since we passed this on the side of a building..."Isn't she cuuuuuute??" Anika: What if there was a kitty as big as Clifford? Twila: Awww man! I would pet it's head and hug it all the time!
Anikatoro: Me, Myself, & I {A more subdued version of my submission for this week's @meandyou52. "K is for Kaleidoscope" should you like to play along #meandyou52}
Anikatoro: Between Here and There
Anikatoro: The Prisoner's Factory
Anikatoro: From Underground
Anikatoro: Alexander/Dry Creek Valley
Anikatoro: Hallway Galaxy {Day one of #PolaroidWeek}
Anikatoro: Hwy. 1 Traffic
Anikatoro: While in Jenner I fell in love with a photograph. Aren't these ladies fantastic?! Just like you @closesandopens Happy new birthday year to you #closesandopens_bday
Anikatoro: Good night Day
Anikatoro: ...And this is where we decided to eat lunch...alongside the whales...on the edge of a cliff...mesmerized by the rainbows caught in the mist below. It felt pretty special.
Anikatoro: Imagining what the light keeper kept...
Anikatoro: The First to Awaken
Anikatoro: Just enjoying a pretty, little conversation between Light, Window, and Rocking Chair.
Anikatoro: Succulent City
Anikatoro: Vacant Welcome
Anikatoro: Rise and Shine
Anikatoro: Mountain Murmuring
Anikatoro: Good morning from 1832
Anikatoro: The Marsh
Anikatoro: Three Least Terns
Anikatoro: On the road again
Anikatoro: AdventureLand