Bill Bouton: Lark Bunting, Calamospiza melanocorys, male.
Steve_Waddingham: Pretty Boy
Steve_Waddingham: Short-eared Owl flypast
Steve_Waddingham: Oystercatchers on the wing
Bill Bouton: Prairie Falcon, Falco mexicanus
Bill Bouton: Tern Arctic, Sterna paradisea
marlin harms: Northern Cardinal
alicecahill: Kestrel with a Lizard
Roger Zachary: Adult Bald Eagle w/ young
Steve_Waddingham: For What I'm About To Recieve
Roger Zachary: Ash-throated Flycatcher
proffkom_: spring views
sloalan: 824 - NORTHERN PARULA (05-15-2023) jones lake state park, bladen co, nc -01
Bob Gunderson: Cassin's Vireo
Jean-Luc Foucret: Pic épeiche femelle (Dendrocopos major - Great Spotted Woodpecker )
Norbert Lefevre: Grimpereau des jardins ( Certhia brachydactyla - Short-toed Treecreeper )
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 3 ... # Chevalier culblanc ( Tringa ochropus - Green Sandpiper )
catchlightdon: Alert at the Edge of Brush
alicecahill: Flicker Spat - EXPLORE
Nad 29: Pipit des arbres
marlin harms: Allen's Hummingbird Feeding Nestlings
cedric provost: Râle d'eau Rallus aquaticus - Water Rail CED_0108
Dave_Lawrence: Belted Kingfisher---Megaceryle alcyon
Dave_Lawrence: Wilson's Snipe---Gallinago delicata
Jean-Luc Foucret: Écureuil d'Eurasie ou Écureuil roux ( Sciurus vulgaris)
cedric.cain29: Gobemouche noir, Ficedula hypoleuca, European Pied Flycatcher
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 10 ... # Pic épeiche " mâle " ( Dendrocopos major - Great Spotted Woodpecker )
Roger Zachary: Grace's Warbler
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 03 Osprey Reddish and Snowy Egret
Bob Gunderson: Anna's Hummingbird