Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 01 Red-necked Grebe
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 02 Red-necked Grebe
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 03 Red-necked Grebe
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 04 Red-necked Grebe
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 05 Red-breasted Merganser
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 06 Pacific Golden-plover
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 07 Bonaparte's Gull
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 08 White-faced Ibis
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 09 White-faced Ibis
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 10 White-faced Ibis
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: Scarlet Tanager. Cuesta Park.
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 05 White-tailed Kite
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 04 Reddish Egret Osprey
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 03 Osprey Reddish and Snowy Egret
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 02 Snowy Egret Osprey Reddish Egret
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 01 Osprey Snowy Egret
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 05 Golden-plover
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 04 Golden-plover Two
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 03 Golden-plover Best Tail Crop
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 02 Golden-plover
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 01 Golden-plover
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 04 Red-necked Phalarope
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 03 Ruddy Turnstone
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 01 Black-bellied Plover
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 07 American Redstart
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 07 Allen's Hummingbird
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 06 Lesser Scaup and Pied-billed Grebe
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 06 Double-crested Cormorant
Dave Morro Bay Keeling: 05 Yellow-headed Blackbird