Baisao: Cafe Dobré - La Grange, Texas
martintype: Underwater Explosions
efo: Night cake
miho's dad: Osaka Dome (w/tanks)
bghfilm: Florist
Noctcaelador: Turbulence
lgpod: End of the Line
bghfilm: Over the Falls
bghfilm: A Cold Night in Taylor
Shoji Kawabata. a.k.a. strange_ojisan: Bulb De Double Exposure
deatonstreet: Hertz Shoes, Madison, IN
quornflake: Day 234
timon.tomasevic: Countryside chair
Daniel Regner: Looks Much Better Now
magastrom: Sandhammaren
Noisy Paradise: untitled
Daniel Regner: Changes
Noisy Paradise: untitled
Alexander Rabb: Lightning Strikes 1 World Trade Center
Luffup*: Never Walks Alone
bghfilm: Sitting and Waiting