e-Ken: Good Mates
Deborah Freeman: Short-eared owl
Chantal Jacques Photography: Red-breasted Sapsucker
miketabak: Northern Hawk Owl
Gary Fairhead: Only The Feathers Remain
bcbirdergirl: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) - BC
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Bufflehead- Wheatcroft park
The Owl Man: Ears Up! (Short-Eared Owl)
Sue Coastal Observer: Bald Eagle - 206A4821a1cd
LOPEZ LUCIANO 8,000,000 VISITAS.GRACIAS....: Aves de Brasil:Tucán bicolor.(Ramphastos dicolorus.) Red-breasted toucan.
LOPEZ LUCIANO 8,000,000 VISITAS.GRACIAS....: Aves de Brasil:Tucán bicolor.(Ramphastos dicolorus.) Red-breasted toucan.
Deborah Freeman: Love how the short-eared owls control their landings and hover to see what's going on.
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #2
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #3
newfoundlander61: Taking a break
Bernie Duhamel: Great Crested Grebe - Netherlands
Geoff Newhouse Photography: January 24, 2025.jpg
Gogolac: Cuyaya / American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)