Deborah Freeman: Coopers hawk, I thought it was a sharp-shinned but was corrected.
The Owl Man: Waspinator (Northern Shrike)
Deborah Freeman: Black Turnstone.
Deborah Freeman: Pelagic Cormorant
Deborah Freeman: Oyster catcher.
Rudy578: Northern Harrier
Rudy578: Merlin
Photos_By George: Northweatern Crows
Glenn Bartley - Fiery-throated Hummingbird - 2024-11-23 - 024
Gogolac: Garza blanca o Garceta grande / Great egret (Ardea alba)
ken.helal: The Star of the Show
Through The Big Lens: Hooded merganser, male
adamrainoff: Golden Tanager
Blurmeister: Northern Gannet
Rudy578: Cooper's Hawk
Rudy578: Cooper's Hawk
Rory_H: Piper's Lagoon
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Short Eared Owl- Nov 30th #10
The Owl Man: Taking a Break (Short-Eared Owl)
Photos_By George: Anna's Hummingbird
Don Delaney: Great Gray Owl (strix nebulosa)
Deborah Freeman: such a nice day for a cruise by....
e-Ken: Launch For Lunch