farbstoff-bridge: Christmas Table Runner
aquilterstable: Yay or Nay
merran2011: January do Good stitches
HezBez13: pathways
pieladyquilts: Feel Good Folk Pop
electrofreeze: Prince!
RJIPhotography: PurpleReign 042116-211.jpg
Queen Peach 20: This is my amazing quilt that has traveled all over the world that has made its way home after starting off in 2013. My Friends With Addition group have done such and incredible job with this, I was speechless when I opened it up...I have witness to that.
aquilterstable: Striped Log Cabins
bayougirlquilts: La Fraternite' (to Paris)
by niveas: The Fireworks quilt is finished! {made by the TOGETHER circle}
2 little banshees: Eva's Quilt
TalesofCloth: Fair Isla Quilt
Quiltachusetts - Heather Black: Summer Sunset front
Quiltachusetts - Heather Black: Print 0440a Improv Quilt
BGelhausen: Honey Quilt Top
carol @the running hare: Bright Bamboo Quilt
lysa flower: @sherrichalke #sewinglikeamothertrucker = KA-BOOM! That was my head exploding because it's paper pieced to "perfectness". (It's a word. I looked it up😏)
belopminata: big bear quilt
sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats: folksy-fish-no-hats
marilynkb: Mini QT Swap Mini Received!
friedazzzzz: My package from Pam
chabronico: Quilt navajo-écossais quilté, ourlé, terminé !
Kristin Shields: Shattered Dresden
shecanquilt: A snowy block
chabronico: Kaléidoscope
makatrin: Kissen SWAP°PEN makatrin
TalesofCloth: Block for February Care Circle of Do.good Stitches.