TalesofCloth: Fabric origami is my new favourite thing! It's simple and fun and a nice change from the usual quilt process. The more little windows I make, the more I figure out the technique that works best for me. So I've shared my own big fat tutorial on the blog no
TalesofCloth: browns for Stitched in Color Mosaic
TalesofCloth: colour collage for Stitched in Color
TalesofCloth: Blueberry Fans Quilt Finish
TalesofCloth: Blueberry Fans Quilt Finish
TalesofCloth: Fair Isla Quilt
TalesofCloth: Fair Isla Quilt
TalesofCloth: Fabric pull.
TalesofCloth: Bee blocks!
TalesofCloth: Flowers for Eleni #2
TalesofCloth: Tent City Quilt
TalesofCloth: Mountain Campfire Quilt
TalesofCloth: I'm really enjoying the process of translating an idea onto paper and into #patchwork. Before this year, I would have an idea and go straight to the cutting mat. But putting it through the 'pen and paper' test first really helps me decide if I want to go
TalesofCloth: I so enJOYed making this word for @hellofromcat but now I'm not so sure. The darker greens sang to me when it was in pieces but now they seem too dark. What do you think Cat? Would I replace the strip next to the J? Keep this one and make another for you
TalesofCloth: Flowers for Rachel, Stitched in Color
TalesofCloth: Red Sky at Night Kansas Star
TalesofCloth: A Quilt to Call Home
TalesofCloth: A Quilt to Call Home
TalesofCloth: A Quilt to Call Home
TalesofCloth: A Quilt to Call Home
TalesofCloth: January #dogoodstitches block for @123bluejumper. It's only February 1st and already I'm wondering where the year's going! #carecircle #konacotton
TalesofCloth: February block Do.good Stitches
TalesofCloth: Dear friends! This year! 49 red and white blocks, each with their history and a few tales of my own.
TalesofCloth: Red Sky at Night Quilt
TalesofCloth: Kona Kaleidoscope Quilt
TalesofCloth: Kona Kaleidoscope Quilt
TalesofCloth: Kona Kaleidoscope Quilt
TalesofCloth: These #wildandfreefabric prints remind me of moving to the country as a child, to a property without electricity or running water. I think that's why I'm enjoying my #mountaincampfirequilt so much. And why I'm making it slowly. More on the blog. @maureen
TalesofCloth: Use Your Words Quilt
TalesofCloth: Use Your Words Quilt