Kindred Souls: Blessed day
Cajaflez: Meeuw - Seagull
JLS@Photos: Great Crested Grebe with fish, Grèbe huppé avec poisson
FocusPocus Photography: Taylor's Strange Agama
FocusPocus Photography: Little squirrel on a big sequoia tree
-Brad-: Ride a White Swan
Eleanor (On and off): Thursday`s Flower
Diane G. Zooms---Mostly Off: First snow of 2025
ksblack99: Dunlin Reflections
isteeves: Honeybee on Mauve Aster Flower Macro
Paul McGoveran: Common Merganser(F) 5767
Lyutik966: Long-eared cat
N.Clark: Northern Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus)
c.chamberland: Mésange
Angel@ T@ylor: Playing with balls of wool in the snow.
N.Clark: Moving forward
Suzy Unyink: when the ocean rise ...
odileva: Mothers with their young ones waiting to go for the evening drink
Cajaflez: Witvleugel duif - Burgers Zoo.
DoctoredbyNancy: Tricolor heron in breeding colors
Mobile Lynn: Eastern Phoebe 502_4107.jpg
Ashley1954: Fallen lily
Paul McGoveran: Great Horned Owl 8665
Rourkeor: Blackbird
He Ro: Cais da Ponta do Sol
marsupilami92: LES CHAMPS ÉLYSÉES