e_wann_a: Clematis
Corinaldesi Roberto: ..........when............
JEO126: Wood duck drake
François 85120: Mésange bleue
François 85120: Verdier d'europe
akden777: Along the lake shore
akden777: Window, locked door and pink shovel
Garry Johns: Alouette Lake, Golden Ears Park, BC
Bear Dale: Grey Fantail
Photos By JM: White-breasted Nuthatch
François 85120: IMG_2850-2
François 85120: Brouillard
François 85120: DSCF0088
coëlb: Carrelet
coëlb: Marais Poitevin
coëlb: Marais Poitevin
mystero233: One foggy morning
mystero233: What was that?
Selva Rangam: Forest under Dews...Ooty
Selva Rangam: Watchful...(explored)
williwieberg: coffee and tobacco
nadja pelt: _C8A9828
anamunilla: FB_IMG_1558082583148
anamunilla: Libelula MG_1936
janrs71: Lonely walker (Explore 28/12-20)
Woewwesch: Christmas walk
claudiadea131: footprints in white