ricardo00: eating flies off mama's neck
Deborah Kral: Barred Owl
craigmcdearmid: Long Eared Owl June 24
timvermicon: Strix Varia Early Evening Hunt (Explore 6/20/24)
skip2molou: We are going to need a bigger boat.
Francesc F P: Sisó_Sisó comú
nealesbirds: Sedg Warbler. - Gibraltar Point Lincolnshire.
calpal2010: Cliff Swallows Collecting Mud
akulkarn: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
rkimrey007: BE Portrait nice sun younger
rkimrey007: BE Portrait nice sun
Francesc F P: Bitó_Bitó comú
nealesbirds: Black eared Wheatear- Cyprus April 2023.
Carl Bovis Nature Photography: Fieldfare flying off with a berry!
Charlaine Jean: Miroir parfait sur le St-Laurenr ! Perfect mirror on St-Lawrence river !
David Hawkins Photography: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (fem) on Penta
rogerlewellen: _M6A7901-Edit.jpg
Francesc F P: Abellerol_Abellerola
dbrandesphotos: _14A6465-Edit-DNsigBEKI
JDA-Wildlife: Osprey
ricardo00: Short-eared owl attacks Northern harrier