Collmm1: fleur de mai 05/05/2020
Jez22: Dusk Storm
Jeff-Photo: Explosion à Hollywood
Eugenio GV Costa: Ponte dei Sospiri ( Lato B ) - Bridge of Sighs ( side B )
shelly.morgan50: Nature's Beauty
FRANcisco /: in between
Panafloma: Zénitude en pays breton#37
Carlos A. Castro 72: Waiting for the Sun / Esperando al Sol (Explore)
Carlos A. Castro 72: Madrid Sunset (Explore)
Tomás Hornos: Nostalgia
Fernando Guerra Velasco: Freitas en Fermentelos
Mikesvue360: Like the green candles.. and it's up trend :)
Aurélien Latour: Village in the Annapurna's
peter_beagan: Golden Mornings
A N T O N Y M E S: I M B A L A N C E
Fine ArtFoto: Video Conference
Frans Nijland: No electricity, no food
Torsten Reimer: Channel of Broken Dreams
Cristiano Antognotti: Abandoned church. Italy 2012.
jeanpierre.hazee: img20200428_19461549 (2)best
Ales Dusa: Blue eyes man
Ata M Adnan: Tunes of Eiffel
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Dawn over the Wittlich Valley*
Friedrich Beren: Die Kraft des Lichts
Shirly Hamra: Gigi Hiu
walzgundula: The Bridge
Pieter Lommerse: Frikkie Wiersum's crashed Typhoon, Germany 1944