pinto paiva:
Rio Loire em Blois
Bernie Emmons:
Pink Paper Tricks
Right down to the wire
Distant Pools of Light
Léa Jacquet:
Chairs break...
BraCom (Bram):
Sunrise, reflection and mist
the mountain's house
LisaJ Doobie (Second Life):
Waiting for my Love.....
Jey Key Key:
Obereversand lighthouse at sunset.., Faro de Obereversand en el atardecer..
Rob & Amy Lavoie:
Looking over the wing
Moving Iris:
A tiny bomb of colour....
White-backed Woodpecker ♂ (Dendrocopos leucotos) and Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Anowarul Haq:
Homing Pigeon । পায়রা ।
Moving Iris:
The punk...
Black and Orange Flycatcher
Bernard Ruelle:
Agrion élégant (Ischnura elegans)
Bernard Ruelle:
Leste verdoyant (Lestes virens)