siddikonline: Al hadees.muslim.tamil
Michael Brace: The Shard in the Twilight Zone
Brule Laker: Lincolnwood Christmas Lights
Oliver Kay Photography: Dolphins can fly
Oliver Kay Photography: Dawn Panoramic over Brisbane
Oliver Kay Photography: Fields of Yellow
Oliver Kay Photography: Bridge over troubled waters
Oliver Kay Photography: Pink sky at night
Oliver Kay Photography: Sculpted Sunset
Oliver Kay Photography: Jet Ski Action
Oliver Kay Photography: Lighthouse Pano
Cyjinx: Grown men can learn from very little children—for the hearts of little children are pure.
Cyjinx: When i grow up I want to be an artist
Cyjinx: The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble.
rx1230: 漫步在三峽熊空茶園
Faris shehri: old police
Frans.Sellies: Bamboo, Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis'
Zac Hale: Melbourne Observational Wheel Media final 11/19
Zac Hale: Bolte Bridge Media final 8/19
Zac Hale: city practise shoot
szeke: Los Angeles Sunset
rx1230: 2014龍岡米干節.傣族傘裝置.傘是傣族少女的裝飾品.也是少女美麗婀娜的象徵.
rx1230: 早晨的露水
rx1230: 好久不見蛋黃了
rx1230: 如夢似幻的雪花小徑
rx1230: 盛開的百合花.吸引許多攝影愛好者來拍攝..
rx1230: 陽明山水車寮步道.寂靜之美.
rx1230: 台中刑務所演武場
rx1230: 雙溪賞荷.一枝獨秀