rx1230: 宵里花海
rx1230: 台北舊市場普願宮福德正神暨老祖渡臺130週年遶境
rx1230: 台灣廟會精彩照
rx1230: 桃園77藝文町也是拍照好地方
rx1230: 東大寺與鹿
rx1230: <旅行去>通天閣人好多
rx1230: 苗邑 頭份 蘆竹湳 玄天會三年圓載遶境大典贊炮
rx1230: 淡水清水巖恭迎清水祖師暗訪遶境
rx1230: 元智大學畢業煙火
rx1230: Eight heavy cherry blossoms
rx1230: Take a holiday and go spring
rx1230: Acura Cannon Flower
rx1230: 42 Lane, Pingjing Street
rx1230: I have a date with Luo Yusong.
rx1230: 2019. I hope to make a better work.
rx1230: Yunlin Gukeng Fuyitang Cannon
rx1230: Luo Yu Song Avenue
rx1230: Xinshe Huahai2
rx1230: Xinshe Huahai1
rx1230: Taoyuan Caihua Festival Yangmeichang
rx1230: Earn fireworks
rx1230: Sanwan Luoyu
rx1230: Taoyuan Caihua Festival Longtan Field
rx1230: Copper cypress
rx1230: Huatai famous Christmas tree
rx1230: Millions of night scenes of fireworks
rx1230: Taoyuan Choi Festival, Daxichang
rx1230: Taipei Hot Spring Season. Flower Dance, Wushu Wuyan
rx1230: 東港迎王平安祭典
rx1230: Taoyuan fruit forest too uterus welcomes the marshal of the altar, the tribute to the blessing of the world