karindebruin: Cascade de Hautes Fagnes!
Brigitte Silhol: Hibou des marais
kaising_fung: Comfort fit
weilock913: DSC07957
beltz6: United Night Landing at Santa Barbara
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
sylviafurrer: In the Silence of the Alps...
faktor1komma5: Gewitter über dem Meer
Suzi J Photography: Harvest Mice (_X1A6174)
MarianMalaquin: Summer night
Fizzik.LJ: Hong Kong Skyline
_Viewtiful: Gosham Taktso moonshine
tindal: my love is as sharp as a needle in your eye, you must be such a fool to pass me by..
tindal: ..its been so long
kaising_fung: The Mittens, sunrise
Don Oppedijk: 20241014-0719-43
Edwin Wagner: Reflections
orgutcayli: Bosphorus, Istanbul
jarle.kvam: IMGP1396-Edit-Edit-1
Edwin Wagner: Seattle Evening Traffic
basminke: Dragonfly
Christoph Fischer: Tips & Techniques for Sharp Photographs
SWJuk: Z50_4171 - Beach
Christoph Fischer: The Importance of Lines in your Compositions
¡Felipe: San Jose (Cala higuera)
nicoboul: Baños de Doña María de Padilla, Sevilla
Don Oppedijk: 20240828-0729-10