avempace2: IMG_1699
Donatella Basaglia: Cuore di Maria (Dicentra spectabilis). Giardino Botanico di Oropa (Biella), Piemonte, Italia.
Nynature21: After the rain
anacm.silva: African Sunset
mnovela2293: Echinopsis veraniegas
luizblancofotografia: Morning flux
birding4ever: Bordered Patch
Gert *1957*: IMG_1555 (2)
AndreaPucci: Montagne nebbiose / Misty mountains (Valtournenche, Valle D'Aosta, Italy)
www.travelandroll.com ==//== fb.com/travelandroll: Acorn Woodpecker at Giant Sequoia Park
c63t: 2019大稻埕情人節煙火(Explore)
jgsnow: Corn Bunting July 2019 (In Explore)
briancarrollphotos: IMGL0449 White Bellied Fish Eagle with fish, Sri Lanka
G2 Wild Images: Great Horned Owl
andy_harris62: On the march
Mr F1: Kingfisher (f)
dwisdwis: Falling Water
Cajaflez: Morpho peleidis
FotoGrazio: The Sari-sari's Cat #3
grannie annie taggs: Looking Down Looking Up
JGKphotos: old cars__3060
GadgetMan88: DSC00488_pe
Vicente Cubas: ABUBILLA (Upupa epops)
Dax M. Roman E.: Cuyaya - Cernícalo (Falco sparverius) - American Kestrel
Adam Swaine: Highland Cattle grazing by Lullingstone Lane
klaus.huppertz: just a game