Nynature21: Great Blue Heron ice fishing along the canal.
Nynature21: Pine warbler making a rare appearance in January. Always fun seeing something different in the winter months.
Nynature21: Pine warbler making a rare appearance in January. It’s always fun seeing something different in the winter months.
Nynature21: Short-eared owl sticks the landing.
Nynature21: Short-eared owl cruising by.
Nynature21: Short-eared owl at sunset
Nynature21: American tree sparrow
Nynature21: (M) Dark-eyed junco
Nynature21: Virginia rail, a rare visitor for January, forging through the stream on a cold afternoon.
Nynature21: The wolf moon- Rochester, NY
Nynature21: Tufted titmouse- Tinker Nature Park Henrietta, NY
Nynature21: Lake Ontario Rochester, NY
Nynature21: Irondequoit Bay pier/Lake Ontario Rochester, NY
Nynature21: (F) Downy woodpecker
Nynature21: Northern Cardinal ( Its National bird day)
Nynature21: Short-eared owl
Nynature21: The local Bald Eagle soaring by on a windy cold afternoon
Nynature21: Adult Bald Eagle - Happy New Year!
Nynature21: Short-eared owl at dusk
Nynature21: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Nynature21: White Ibis
Nynature21: American Robin enjoying some berries
Nynature21: Adult Bald Eagle
Nynature21: Short-eared owl at sunset.
Nynature21: Red fox along the canal on a very cold morning.
Nynature21: Red fox along the canal on a very cold morning.
Nynature21: Cooper’s hawk blending in very well.
Nynature21: The local Bald Eagle overseeing its territory along the canal.
Nynature21: Red fox- Erie Canal Pittsford, NY
Nynature21: Adult Bald Eagle perched on its favorite tree on a cold blustery day with snow bands all around the area. Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge Seneca Falls, NY