feldenchrist: Coming Soon!
feldenchrist: The Main Event
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: G. Ray Hawkins Gallery - Edward S. Curtis Photographs,
feldenchrist: Job Opportunities
JFGryphon: "This Side of Paradise" -- 1920
Alan Mays: Just Another Cog in the Sunday School Wheel
feldenchrist: Break It Until You Make It
feldenchrist: A Plausible Scenario
feldenchrist: FULL MEDIEVAL
Raymond Gr.: Découpage X
feldenchrist: Vigilante Man
juju1418: N°16 "STEP INTO YOUR PLACE" (UK, 1915)
alessio_bacci: MUSIK in 'Jugend' München 1916_Page_23
alessio_bacci: MUSIK in 'Jugend' München 1925_Page_06
alessio_bacci: MUSIK in 'Jugend' München 1926_Page_03
x-ray delta one: WW2 ... order now! - (UK)
BioKnowlogy: STEM Magazine Cover 005 - Science and Invention - 1924.04
Halloween HJB: LEYENDECKER, J. C. (Joseph Christian, 1874-1951). 🇺🇸 USA Bonds, Weapons For Liberty, 1917.
Pete's Paperbacks: Up-To-Date Conjuring
sadiron16: Twyford's Adamant Syphonic Latrine
Phil Beard: Fowey to Bodinnick Ferry
janwillemsen: Herzog Berlin Agenda 1908 ill Hohhenzollern in Alexandria
mpt.1607: Cadburys (4)
Hemeroteca Municipal de Lisboa (Portugal): Capa de revista antiga com ilustração de Stuart | old magazine cover | couverture de magazine ancienne | Portugal 1910s
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Nurses training program
Hemeroteca Municipal de Lisboa (Portugal): Capa de revista antiga | portuguese old magazine cover | Portugal 1920s
feldenchrist: Ladies Home Journal, December 1939
JFGryphon: Horse in Dugout Canoe, Nigeria, 1911
JFGryphon: As seen on CNN
JFGryphon: Quaker Oats booklet, inside front cover, ca. 1900