The Patrick Montgomery Collection: W.H. Jackson & Co - Promotional Card, ca 1880
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Marcantonio Raimondi after Raphael - San Paolo Predica ad Atene, ca 1517-22
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Benjamin Delessert - Saint Paul Prechant a Athenes by Marc Antoine Raimondi after Raphael, 1853
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Bisson Freres - Saint Paul Prechant a Athenes by Marc Antoine Raimondi after Raphael, ca 1520-25/ca 1853-57
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Charles Thurston Thompson - Paul Preaching At Athens by Raphael, 1858/1869
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Negretti and Zambra - Paul Preaching At Athens by Raphael, 1860
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Hippolyte Bayard and Francois Auguste Renard - St. Paul Preaching At Athens by Raphael, 1853
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Paul Preaching At Athens by Raphael, 1515/2024
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Joseph Nicephore Niepce, ca1870
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: London Stereoscopic Company - Evangeline by Copeland, International Exhibition, 1871
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: London Stereoscopic Company - International Exhibition, 1871
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: London Stereoscopic Company - South Side, Royal Albert Hall, London, 1871
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: London Stereoscopic Company - View of Conservatory Horticultural Gardens, International Exhibition, 1871
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: London Stereoscopic Company - Euphrosyne and Cupid by Stephens, International Exhibition, 1871
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: London Stereoscopic Company - View in East Fine Art Gallery, International Exhibition, 1871
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Ticket for Niepce Bicentenary Celebration, Chalon-sur-Soane, 1966
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Alphonse Giroux - Daguerreotype Camera Advertisement, ca 1840
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: René Dagron - French Nun, ca 1865
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Jean Massard - La Mère Bien Aimée by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1775
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Jean-Baptiste Greuze - The Well Beloved Mother, ca 1770/1845
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Louis Dufay - Microscope Slide of a Dufay Color Screen, ca 1935
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Louis Dufay - Microscope Slide of a Dufay Color Screen, ca 1935
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Louis Dufay - Drawing of a Dufay Color Screen, ca 1935
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Metal Worker, ca 1865
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Giacomo Brogi - Palazzo Pitti di Boboli, ca 1865
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Giacomo Brogi - Il Duomo, Firenze, ca 1865
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Giacomo Brogi - S. Croce e la Statua di Dante, Firenze, ca 1865
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Castel Sant Angelo, Rome, ca 1865
The Patrick Montgomery Collection: Carlo Naya - Panorama Dogana di Nave, Venezia, ca 1865