nomm de photo: Inward Gaze
lgflickr1: Rorschach Smoke Bottle redo
catb -: Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Urszula K. CA: Beautiful and wise coyote...
Bruce Clarke: Red kite
santanubose003: CATTLE RACE
mark.paradox: Sunny palette of alpine autumn
darral1: Piggyback
robert1stepien: Dresden (Germany)
dany-46: Flamant rose - Phoenicopterus roseus - Greater Flamingo - Phoenicoptériformes - Phoenicoptéridés
Meycy: Pumpkin Time
White☨ANGEL: Still life study with soft macro at candle's light, façon painters of antiquity (Natura morta alla maniera dei pittori dell'antichità). Still life & Photo by #WhiteANGEL on Saint Martin Day :-)
Kjetil Øvrebø: Ålesund, Norway
José Ros: The girl Sleeping baby in my hand
Ron and Co.: ...and the seasons roll
Troya Yoder: 289/366
shchukin: Peulla 2
Vagabond Folk Art: 13070519-shaman-peyote-serpent-spirits-design-13070519-chamo-by-vagabond_folk_art3
nomm de photo: Troubled Waters
Nefise H: Brain Art Mandala ~ ‘Affective Neuroscience’
Nicosahedron: Mengering -Menger ring- iteration 3
Nicosahedron: Templaring -templar ring- iteration #3
lgflickr1: Bottle 'O' Smoke in monochrome
horticultural art: 61349.01 Convallaria majalis, Convallaria majalis 'Rosea'
horticultural art: 61355.01 Malus volunteer, Malus 'Red Jade', Rhododendron schlippenbachii, Fothergilla major, Chaenomeles x superba 'Cameo', Syringa vulgaris, Syringa