Eric Gofreed: Great-tailed grackle
Redders60: 617A5255
Redders60: 617A7228
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Fuinha, Beech marten(Martes foina)
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: A Bald Eagle caught and killed a Snow Goose in the midair. This is the first time I have witness something like this for me. Very unexpected. Murray Marsh. Sturgeon County, Alberta.
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Osprey (AU6) skimming across the water with his big fish….flapping hard to develop enough lift to get airborne with his breakfast (Cairngorms, Scotland)
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Here is tonight's Little Owl 😆
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Little Owl coming in to land
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Kestrel hovering just above the crop, looking for her next meal
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Osprey (Aviemore, Scotland)
Chas56: Pelican trio
ulrichguenther: Winter im Elbtal
roydarcey: Puffin at Bempton Cliffs
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Coruja-das-torres, Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Lythria sanguinaria
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Gineta, Genet (Genetta genetta)
Ginger H Robinson: End of Rut: Young Buck with Broken Antlers, Resting
claudiadea131: I look at my lake from above
markoh2011: kingfisher