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albums of Humanity & Inclusion UK
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Summer walks 2017 - Every Step Counts
Every Step Counts events
Meet Jay Narayan Nadav and Pushpak Newar, both physiotherapists for Handicap International in Nepal
Meet Nepal earthquake survivor, Uma
Meet Nepal earthquake survivor, Ramesh
Meet Nepal earthquake survivor, Sandesh
Meet Nepal earthquake survivor, Nirmala
Photo of the week 2016
Demining in Lebanon
Forgotten 10 Challenge 2015
Khendo and Nirmala, a special friendship - Nepal - Handicap International
Chelmsford Soroptimists build a Pyramid of Shoes
Nepal earthquake - Handicap International emergency response
Lives and Limbs petition at Downing Street - Handicap International
Photo of the week 2015 - Handicap International
Forgotten 10 Challenge 2014
Risk education - landmines and cluster bombs
Photo of the week 2014
Syria Crisis - Handicap International
Supporting mine victims in Afghanistan
Gaza crisis - Handicap International emergency response
The Philippines, Typhoon Haiyan - Handicap International emergency response
Inside a prosthetics fitting centre - Syrian refugees supported by Handicap International in Zaatari camp, Jordan
Celebrating 10 memorable years
Our history - Handicap International
Rehabilitation in Democratic Republic of Congo
Disability prevention in South Sudan's refugee camps
2013 - Photo of the week
French Chamber's Annual Gala Dinner
Forgotten 10 Challenge 2013
Inspiring women - International Women's Day
Mali – A day with our unexploded weapons risk awareness team
Forgotten 10 Challenge 2012
Inclusive education in Rwanda
Calthorpe Park School - Landmines & cluster bombs posters
Libya - neutralizing anti-aircraft missiles
Emergencies - supporting the most vulnerable people
Kenya - Dadaab
A day in the life of a deminer - Senegal
Our fight against landmines and cluster munitions