Humanity & Inclusion UK:
The most important lesson - Mine Risk Education, Libya
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Life-saving lessons - Mine Risk Education in Mozambique - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Mine Risk Education session at a nursery school in Misrata, Libya – Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Outside a health centre
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Amplifying the message
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Awareness raising leaflet
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Awareness raising leaflets
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Libya - educating children about the risks from unexploded weapons
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Libya - a Scout teaching children how to recognise landmines
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
South Sudan - risk education with refugees
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Niger - risk education
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Iraq - risk education in schools
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Kenya - risk awareness
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Afghanistan - risk education
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Angola - risk education
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Thailand - risk education in schools
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Ethiopia - risk education
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Libya - risk education leaflet p.2
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Libya - risk education leaflet p.1
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Angola - risk education leaflet p.1
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Angola - risk education leaflet, p.2
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Promoting safety messages on market day – Diabaly, Mali – Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Taking safety messages to people in Konna
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Risk education in Afghanistan - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Risk education in Afghanistan - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
MRE conducted by the Cambodian Mine Action Centre - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Risk education In Iraq - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Reaching the whole community - MRE in Laos - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
MRE during conflcit - Libya - Handicap International
Humanity & Inclusion UK:
Using puzzles to raise awareness - MRE in Libya - Handicap International