Joseph O'Malley64: The Built Environment, East London, England.
José Luis Cosme Giral: Winter shadows... Pamplona.
martha ander: morning...
martha ander: Shadow
ulf_finndahl: Parking
martha ander: tre-kompanjoner
Joseph O'Malley64: The Built Environment, Canonbury, North London, England.
mvdreijden: roeptoeter
mvdreijden: Die Bep...
mvdreijden: colorfull shaddows 2
mvdreijden: pezen
mvdreijden: Yellow and green
dutchpolaroidgirl: Freedom Part 2 - 2020
dutchpolaroidgirl: Haustauben
jandouwe: For happy travelling
jandouwe: Just for men
jandouwe: Thin red line
jandouwe: Composition with lettuce, endive and weeds
jandouwe: Framed
jandouwe: Agricultural mathematics
jandouwe: Who's afraid of red, green and grey
Jan van der Wolf: Light of stained glass on concrete
leo.roos: Tortured wall
leo.roos: Valeska Schache geb Steinitz
paco.weaving: Winter Day Winter Night
José Luis Cosme Giral: A door to life... Pamplona.
martha ander: decoration-in-the-subway
martha ander: Moss-underground
Jan van der Wolf: Four windows