SeventhMonk: Piranga Écarlate - Scarlet Tanager
Don Dunning: Backlit Throat Pouch
markcoleman8: ZE8_1776
markcoleman8: ZE8_1663
Philip Mitchell for the birds: Black and white Warbler
Bryan J. Smith: COOPHAWK F 0102
seppomie: Branta leucopsis - Barnacle goose
Jo M-W: yellow-crowned night heron
SeventhMonk: Piranga Écarlate - Scarlet Tanager
richpope: American Redstart (Male)
sherrihendricks98: Pretty One In The Pines
sherrihendricks98: Bird On A Wire
jefflee23: Post hunting
Bryan J. Smith: WHITHRBUL burmanicus 0447 PB#9GNNRYunnan 031518
Tj & Jo: Ruddy Duck
Michael W Potter: Orange-breasted Trogon male
Michael W Potter: Orange-breasted Trogon male
im2fast4u2c: mourning dove
Jeluba: Storm's Stork (Ciconia stormi)
LJHankandKaren: Brant, Edmonds, WA 3/24/24
LJHankandKaren: Pigeon Guillemot, Edmonds, WA 3/24/24
R R G 2: Red wing blackbird
Tom Ramsey: Osprey in Nest
gary.nilson: DSC_7475 veery-
gary.nilson: DSC_7610 bobolink-
Mike_FL: Killdeer
Kaptured by Kala: Trouble In Paradise
Bryan J. Smith: AMERPIPI alticola 0085
Philip Rathner: This Brown Thrasher was singing its heart out. This performance was amazing it made more different sounds than any Mockingbird I've ever heard!
Helgarosa: Stelkur