Mobile Lynn: Marsh Harrier 901_5901.jpg
Christine_S.: brown-eared bulbul
DoctoredbyNancy: Pileated woodpecker (f)
jaytee27: Woodchat Shrike (m) - Lanius senator
_Veit_: What to eat next
!nottellin!: Hooded Merganser
Mobile Lynn: Summer Tanager - Male 504_1229.jpg
Paul McGoveran: Barn Owl 3807
ChicagoBob46: Waking about
Elaine 55.: double petal hellebore
abjorken: Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina) Grön bärfis
belas62: Clamator glandarius, Κισσόκουκος, Great Spotted Cuckoo
ChicagoBob46: Lets call it safe
leendert3: Three-banded Plover
sharon.verkuilen: Big Guy! (Or Girl) Elephant in Amboseli, Kenya
Linda Martin Photography: Nine Banded Armadillo
Mobile Lynn: European Roller 903_3410.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Bee-Eater stretch 903_1616.jpg
Sierra95: Palm Warbler (Yellow)
Terry Carew: Red-Billed Francolin
DoctoredbyNancy: Beautiful Eastern bluebird (m)
leendert3: Thirsty desert lion
ChicagoBob46: Hippy dippy fisherman
Photos by Deba: Resting Squadron
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Gunther's Antelope!
catherine.zinsky711: The rare Desert Lily, Hesperocallis undulata
ksblack99: American Goldfinch