Robert Hoover: First the Air is Blue & Then It is Bluer
kirstiecat: Canadian Monster
dannyhennesy: A photon projection of a spell-stone of a shamans relic’s collection of magic objects rearranged on to a photographic paper then overpainted and drawn with acrylics and pens some sort of fake representation ( Danny Hennesy 2024 art) kunst real arte
Mannydame: tunnel-2
Mannydame: Flower1-2
InnAtElmwood: Birdbath?
dannyhennesy: And now some light entertainment in a pulp pop abstract ballpoint sketch depicting nothing but fluffy psychedelic surreal clouds and jagged curly wierls and swooshy swashers ( Danny Hennesy 2024 by ballpoint) kunst arte real
Jim Harris: Artist.: James Wallace Harris: Erikoisrajajääkärit - Savisienkylä, Suomi.
Mannydame: AmmoniunSulfate09-2
Mannydame: AmmoniunSulfate06-2
dannyhennesy: A small alien critter hides in the ruin of a religious building adorned with broken vividly decorated glass after an atomic war that decimated most of the population on this exo-world a sad fate in deed ( Danny Hennesy art 2024) kunst arte real
pastadimama: Escaped from the abstract
dannyhennesy: When steam flow backwards and spaces fill space and other mysterious oddities it is just Uncle bowie tuning in on his private nipple-radio or is this abstract title far to dada? ( art by Danny Hennesy 2024 ) arte kunst real
Jim Harris: Artist.: Kaupunkijääkärit - Santahamina, Suomi.
Jim Harris: Artist.: Jim Harris: Dream Manipulation and Hallucination Projection Platform - Lignano Sabbiadoro.
Jim Harris: Artist.: James Wallace Harris: fjälljägare - Utterträsk.
sdeamond: Leaves_16
Jim Harris: Artist.: James Wallace Harris: fjälljägare - Utterträsk.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Ophtalmologie en question 😵‍💫...
Mannydame: Volcanolava1-1
Mannydame: Colors1-1
Mannydame: Colors-2
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Lampshade #2.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Lampshade #1.
Jim Harris: Artist.: Jim Harris: Sleipnir.
dannyhennesy: A Saturn eye-floater in one of the atmospheric layers is a good example on both non-carbon biology and convergent evolution since many think it looks a bit like a Portuguese man-o-war ( art by Danny Hennesy 2024 ) kunst arte real
Robert Hoover: Fairyland
Jim Harris: Artist.: James Wallace Harris: Panssarijääkäri - Vanhaselkä, Suomi.
dannyhennesy: This small psychedelic clutter doodle swirly curly bendy meander draw was started in Vienna my former home and ended in Sweden my temporary home before I will Move back to that other city ( art by Danny Hennesy 2024 ) kunst arte real
sdeamond: Blue Abstract_5