CWhatPhotos: Durham days. . .
Emmanuel Tuts-Schiemsky: Northern lights
..herr flick: loganair G-LMSB ATR 42-600 departing Glasgow airport for Kirkwall
Puckpics: Woodland Path near Okewood Hill
Outdoorsy One: Ghosting Hour
rumimume: Watering Hole
greenelent: 2kids
Outdoorsy One: Out In B&W
Steve Barowik: Highfield Princess shouldering a group 1 penalty
-Walt-: Canadair CF-116
atone13: More beauty along the path.
kundun59: PO1006-AMIR
Doug Santo: Hummingbird (Anna's?)
hkoons: Vendors at the Kuromom Market_0564
hkoons: The Lobby _0559
hkoons: Glassed Elevator _0557
hkoons: The Kurumom Market _0565
hkoons: Flower Market _0561
Steve Barowik: Cutting back
silviusdamicus: Tatoo's b&w 116
Lightcatcher66: IMG_9661
Lightcatcher66: IMG_9658
Lightcatcher66: IMG_9553
Lightcatcher66: IMG_9663
Lightcatcher66: IMG_9662
Schnazjer: süße Früchtchen / sweet fruits
Schnazjer: Herbststimmung / autumn mood
[-ChristiaN-]: Aurora 05/2024
dmitryzhkov: 17drc1744