fernando aragón: Jilguero.
fernando aragón: Buitre leonado
HOWARD IS OFF: Newfoundland 2018 Trinity Bay at the "Horse Chops"
Ania Tuzel Photography: You Crack Me Up! ;-)))
roy rimmer: Bad weather again so decide to look at some of my images from last year and this one caught my eye.
single handed photo: Black-shouldered Kite.
billackerman1: Snowy Owl
Jazz Black: Uhu im Landeanflug
cienne45: 23-463
grazia.bianchi: Grifone Gole Verdon
ecwillet: red-tailed hawk
big_jeff_leo: Red Kite up close
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Osprey (Aviemore Scotland)
Dirk Hessels: Common Buzzard | Buizerd | Bussard, (buteo buteo)
Dirk Hessels: Common Buzzard | Buizerd | Bussard, (buteo buteo)
Dirk Hessels: Common Buzzard | Buizerd | Bussard, (buteo buteo)
MyKeyC: Snail Kite against Shadow-
IsaacCSanchez: White-tailed Hawk
ecwillet: red-tailed hawk
Klaus Eisner: Red kite / Rotmilan / Milvus milvus
Bernard Fabbro: grand-duc d'Europe / eagle-owl 23O_4280
John David Hutchison: American Bald Eagle
ralbovs: Red Tailed Hawk
HOWARD IS OFF: Barn Owl landing in Fall foliage ...Haliburton Ontario <B>"EXPLORED!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))<B>