jsnchezyage: Ánsar común (Anser anser)
robin denton: Peregrine Falcon
ChicagoBob46: A first for me
Hector16: The Pugilists
arvind agrawal: Ring-Necked Pheasant - IMG_4411
m.amarocarvalho: Rolieiro | European Roller (Coracias garrulus)
leendert3: African Elephants
Bob Gunderson: American Bison Foraging in the Fresh Snow
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Orange-billed Lifer!
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Crested Francolin!
queeny63: Razorbill headshot
jsnchezyage: Chorlitejo chico (Charadrius dubius)
robin denton: Just good friends or a symbiotic affair?
Hector16: Black-chested snake eagle (Imm)
mishaleppert: Bennett's wallaby 40
cmescamilla: Ruby crowned Kinglet_MG_6668 edt
Stephen B53: Hawfinch
jsnchezyage: Halcón peregrino (Falco peregrinus)
Vince_Adam Photography: Spotted Litter Frog (Leptobrachium hendricksoni)
Bernard Fabbro: grèbe huppé / great crested grebe 24F_8095
Bits On Twigs: 14 Spot Ladybird
arvind agrawal: Greater White-fronted Goose - IMG_4688
Vince_Adam Photography: A pair of Blyth's Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone affinis)
m.amarocarvalho: Toutinegra-de-bigodes | Western Subalpine Warbler (Curruca iberiae)
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Gunther's Antelope!
Bob Gunderson: Red Fox - The wink means mischief
npbiffar: Great Ibis
hotte54: Kampfläufer...
Neotropical Pete: WESTERN DWARF SQUIRREL Climbing a Limb. Microsciurus mimulus at the Amagusa Reserve in Northwestern ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.