Mount Fuji Man: If you want a picture of the future...
Studio d'Xavier: My Sea Monkey lives in a Conch Shell
wwnorm: when it comes to raiding the fridge, I try to keep a cool head.
Studio d'Xavier: Alligator Candle
Studio d'Xavier: Composition 532
Studio d'Xavier: The Portrait
Studio d'Xavier: Unrequited
Studio d'Xavier: Three Items not Vases
ricko: Shelves
Studio d'Xavier: The Snail
wwnorm: the colorful shelf in the garage
wwnorm: TIme on my hands
wwnorm: lemon eyes
wwnorm: sunny day hat
wwnorm: Five clowns in the corner
wwnorm: An examination of orbs
wwnorm: I've been saving this guy for Ruth
wwnorm: homemade cat candles under the Christmas tree with Santa
wwnorm: wood fragment
wwnorm: my Halloween bag
wwnorm: orange stuff
wwnorm: pill hopper
wwnorm: periwinkle owls
Studio d'Xavier: Trent's Unicorn
Studio d'Xavier: Mathematical Formulation of Orange
Studio d'Xavier: Divine Judgement of Science
Studio d'Xavier: Examination No. 1
Studio d'Xavier: Amelia decides to Trap Extraterrestrials
Studio d'Xavier: Examination No. 4
Studio d'Xavier: Amphitrite