rigloc@: Robin Taking a Bath
rigloc@: Molting After Breeding Season
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Desperado
SASPhotography67: Missile Launch...
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL3032 Sparrowhawk..
Mike Veltri: Belted Kingfisher - Male
MedicineMan4040: With pompador
Ed Durbin (Katodog): August 19 2018 007
ken.helal: Osprey with Kokanee
ken.helal: Wing Display
ken.helal: Eagle Drying Off After a Swim in the Lake
Jasper's Human: A Flanking Approach
Jasper's Human: Perusing the Parula
Jasper's Human: Hummer in High Key
ken.helal: Eagle on Frosted Rock
The Digital Surgeon is back: Western Grebe ©
www.natavian.com: Dickcissel
Susan Newgewirtz: American Bald Eagle
Tang Heng: Burrowing Owl
trawson58: Kingfisher with prey
Judylynn M.: Returning Home !!!!!!!!!!!
Jasper's Human: Doing the Splits
Jasper's Human: You got me this new toy for my birthday, so I was thinking...
Jasper's Human: Holding Court
Jasper's Human: 30/52 Floors so clean you could eat off them (because he often does 😜)
Jasper's Human: Though not engraved, the invitation to play was formal enough
Jasper's Human: Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk
JDA-Wildlife: Osprey