darrylkirby: The jump-ups on Middle Road, Sturt National Park, NSW
rldrummond: Flock Bronzewing - Sturt National Park, NSW
David Cook Wildlife Photography: Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) - "Someone's missing"
liam.jon_d: jump ups sunset - 1871
roy rimmer: I was watching a Queen wasp today looking for a place to hibernate, sadly all of the workers have gone.
roy rimmer: Wren back on the allotment.
Julien NKS: Another world, another time
Ben_MacDougall: White-Naped Honeyeater Bathing
Ben_MacDougall: Brush Cuckoo (juv)
Ben_MacDougall: Superb Fairywren (m)
Ben_MacDougall: Eastern Spinebill
Ben_MacDougall: Crimson Rosella
Ben_MacDougall: Superb Fairywren (f)
Ben_MacDougall: Superb Fairywren (m)
Ben_MacDougall: Superb Fairywren (m)
Ben_MacDougall: Yellow-Rumped Thornbill
Ben_MacDougall: Yellow-Rumped Thornbill
Ben_MacDougall: Buff-Rumped Thornbill
Ben_MacDougall: Dollarbird
Ben_MacDougall: Red-Browed Finch
Ben_MacDougall: Silvereye
Ben_MacDougall: Grey Fantail Feeding
Ben_MacDougall: Silvereye in Golden Hour
Ben_MacDougall: Red-Rumped Parrot
Ben_MacDougall: Grey Fantail Feeding
Ben_MacDougall: Red-Rumped Parrot
Ben_MacDougall: House Sparrow (Juv)
Ben_MacDougall: Satin Flycatcher (m)
Ben_MacDougall: Edit19-1982
Ben_MacDougall: Variegated Fairywren (m)