Don Backman: It's a weighty matter
Karl Heinz Stock Hatso: Apparentemente tutt'altro // apparently something different
spotwolf5: Deep Creek mountains; SE Idaho in late May
Svein K. Bertheussen: Grinna lighthouse
dominique 15: Autour du Mont
Darren-: Sun Machine Going Down
blackshiver: 35 Year old "Personal Computer"
Daryll90ca: Happy Fenced Friday - HFF!
Spookwoman: Storm Eunice Tramore
Glynn Wormley: The calm before the storm.
ⒶZ-Photo: Hold the line!
kconnelly03: Pileated Woodpecker
PIXXELGAMES - Robert Krenker: Young face - old lens!
johnsutton580: Snowy Egret
Carroux13: Venedig
Pulse_: Soul Eater
Kenny Boy1: Cosseted moon …
Al Garb: 20 Seconds of Chiemsee
H.J. Cheong: CHJ_0731
Antonio Ruiz.: Huelva sentimental.
Clotilde M.: Trois petites gouttes...
arottatinti: Chapelle de la Duche isolée Explore
peopleybymel: Sister
Auri B: Trakai lake island castle
Chri-stian: Grey-headed Woodpecker
Claude R.: Eunice soit qui mal y pense
Justin_vK: GfF 110 459 + Alpen Express, Venlo, 19-02-2022
Jack Heald: Two 22s