njusic: Daylilies (Hemerocallis)
Photos By JM: We Have Lift Off
Omygodtom: One Behind.
ymustang5: The Bold Jumping Spider
photofiend358: Early August Flower Power
ctberney: What was happening in front of the shed the other day?
Linda Goodhue: Prothonotary Warbler
marianna armata: Hibiscus triptych
ctberney: You never know who you're going to meet hanging out in the goldenrod patch
faithroxy: Backyard Views
Lindaw9: White Echinacea is a a symbol of strength and healing ...
isteeves: Bled Island, Slovenia
Tracey Rennie: Coati-Friday
navejo: Kim
ctberney: I was so happy to have the chance to photograph this gorgeous insect
k_whattam: Fished In
Lindaw9: Lily-of-the-Valley in Macro
Note-ables by Lynn: A Dedicated Dad
Lindaw9: Poppy Time ..
Tracey Rennie: All the crayons
marianna armata: zooming in for a taste
Lindaw9: Two Last Bleeding Hearts
Tracey Rennie: Mr. May
Lindaw9: Lily-of-the-Valley...
Katrina Wright: A Splash of Tulip Sunshine
dove-51: Mrs. Oriole
ctberney: Eastern Black Carpenter Ants on Peony
c.dmartin: Talons
navejo: Red Truck