ymustang5: Red-breasted merganser
ymustang5: Mr. & Mrs. Mallard
ymustang5: The White-winged scorer
ymustang5: The Watcher
ymustang5: A lovely Carolina wren
ymustang5: Watching from above
ymustang5: A lone Mute swan
ymustang5: The Short-eared Owl
ymustang5: The Red-tailed Hawk
ymustang5: The White-breasted nuthatch
ymustang5: The Mute Swan
ymustang5: Snowflakes and a Dark-eyed junco
ymustang5: A snowy American goldfinch foraging for seeds
ymustang5: Lesser scaup
ymustang5: A Lesser Scaup
ymustang5: Just a little rain
ymustang5: An Eastern Grey Squirrel
ymustang5: The Silver Fox
ymustang5: A skipper on Trifolium pratense (red clover)
ymustang5: A Bee-mimic beetle
ymustang5: A bumblebee on Vicia cracca
ymustang5: The delicateness of the forest floor
ymustang5: The Ruby crowned kinglet
ymustang5: A pair of 🍄‍🍄‍
ymustang5: Tiny forest finds 🍄‍
ymustang5: A Housefly catcher jumping spider
ymustang5: Plexippus petersi
ymustang5: Milkweed seed
ymustang5: Common milkweed seed
ymustang5: Mock oyster